God in three Persons – God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, co-equal and co-eternal.
The canon – the 66 books in the Bible are inerrant and infallible, being inspired by God. They are the final authority for all Christian doctrine and practice. The Bible alone is the Word of God.
Adam was created in the image of God but fell and passed on the nature of sin to the whole human race. All people are by nature sinners, separated from God and in need of salvation through Jesus Christ. Without Christ we are eternally lost.
Redemption is made possible by God’s eternal decree of election and predestination before the foundation of the world, the sacrifice of Christ for our sins and His resurrection for our justification, God’s effectual call, regeneration, and gift of faith.
He is fully God and fully man, was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life fulfilling the law, died for our sins, satisfied God’s wrath toward our sin (propitiation), rose for our justification, ascended to the right hand of God, is making intercession for us, and will come again bodily in judgment of the world and to establish His Kingdom to which there will be no end. Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
Justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Justification is not by works in whole or in part. Salvation is only possible through faith in Christ and not by our own efforts. It is eternal not temporal. The elect in Christ can never fall away, we are kept by the power of God. Sanctification is instantaneous at the time of conversion – we are set apart in Christ, yet there is continuous and progressive growth in our walk with God as we walk in the Spirit and do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, and ultimately full sanctification will occur when we are delivered from this body of death in final glorification in a resurrection body like our Lord’s.
7. The ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper should be practiced today in accordance with Christ’s teachings and the pattern and practice established in the Apostolic church as witnessed in the book of Acts and the Letters to the church.
8. The universal church – there is one church comprised of believers in Christ all around the world. However, we are assembled in many different local churches.
Marriage is between one man and one woman, without exception.
Eternal life and eternal judgment are literal – those who have been justified through faith in Christ – the chosen of God will forever be with the Lord free from pain, sorrow, suffering, etc. However, those who have not believed in Christ will suffer a conscious, eternal torment.